Online tutoring for Year 1 students in Gold Coast

1-on-1 online school tutoring guaranteed to improve confidence & grades for Year 1 students in Gold Coast.

Teaching Software
4,000+ Students
Top 2%  of Tutors
For Gold Coast Students
 student actively participating in an online tutoring session with a tutor, with a detailed lesson plan and its progress displayed in the bottom left corner of the screen

Online tutoring that will make your child happier and more confident at school

Every student learns differently. This is why Tutero personalises each student with a custom learning plan to meet their learning needs. Our tutors in Gold Coast use a verified learnig process which combines interactive teaching tools and curriculum aligned content with some of Australia’s most qualified online tutors.

My kids look forward to their lessons with Andy and Jade each Monday, I can see what a positive impact it's having on their overall performance st school.



Parent of Hunter (Year 10) and Bowie (Year 7)

I get a lesson report delivered to my app at the end of each session, which makes it so easy to keep track of their progress.



Parent of Charlie (Year 10) and Lucy (Year 5)
“She was struggling, and I was trying to find a tutor. The minute I applied for Tutero, I got a call from Joey. I am so grateful that I did.”
Madhu A
Mother of Amrita, Year 7 Student
“I was searching on Google and I found Tutero. It was convenient and easy to sign up. The tutoring has perfectly fit what we were after.”
Kylie K
Mother of Frankie, Year 7 Student
“I did my research and Tutero stood out. Our tutor is amazing. I would recommend Tutero to anyone who is looking for tutoring for their kids.”
Riminder J
Mother of Rishann, Year 4 Student
Only Australia’s top tutors
Less than 2% of 5000+ annual tutor applications are accepted.
Only Australia’s top maths tutors
Every lesson is personalised for your child
Our tutors will pinpoint your child’s gaps to deliver personalised tutoring.
Every maths lesson is personalised for your child
Following the Australian curriculum
Every lesson is designed using the most relevant maths curriculum for your child.
Following the Australian maths curriculum

We help Year 1 students in Gold Coast...

Understand difficult concepts easily
We can cover the whole curriculum.
Grow their confidence
at school
Learning can become easy and fun.
Improve grades in tests and assignments
They will quickly excel in studies.
Fill gaps in core knowledge
Eliminate gaps that reduce confidence and cause confusion.
Complete confusing homework
Reduce the time spent struggling with homework.
Increase their ATAR score
Giving them opportunities at uni and in their careers.

Make Year 1 concepts easier with private lessons from the leading tutors in Gold Coast

Every lesson follows a structured curriculum

Gold Coast Year 1 students follow the Queensland curriculum in their tutoring lessons. Diagnostic tests help tutors take a data-driven approach to maximise learning each lesson.

A happy student with a display of a structured curriculum dashboard next to him, indicating his customised plan.
A network of multiple tutors, with one tutor actively engaged in a video call with a student

We only recruit Australia’s best tutors

Our Year 1 tutors in Gold Coast are some of Australia’s best. This year we have received over 5000+ applications and only selected the top 2% of tutors.

Parents can access detailed lesson reports and resources

After every lesson, parents will receive a report with detailed insights on the progress made in the class.

A diligent student studying, with a detailed lesson report displayed to the left
A rising graph representing the consistent learning growth of a student, accompanied by the student's smiling portrait

You will watch your child become happier and more confident at school

Over 98% of our students would recommend Tutero to a friend.

Loved and trusted by 1000+ parents across Australia


Perfect ratings by families across Australia

Reviews that speak for themselves

Sharon HicksonJulia BrookingSarah LamposBenhamin Pritchard
Madhu AnandMata ManuKellieGeorgia Macdonald
400+ hours
of tutoring each day
students learn every week
Only 2%
of tutors get accepted
expert tutors in our team

The fastest growing education company in Australia

Perfect ratings by families across Australia

Perfect ratings by families across Australia
Term 3 spots will run out this week
Blue Check
120+ hours
of tutoring each day
students learn every week
Only 2%
of tutors get accepted
expert tutors in our team

Outstanding reviews every time

ReviewReview 1Review 2
Review 3Review 4Review 5
Help your child achieve a lifetime of success

Maths tutoring that will make your child happier and more confident at school

Every maths student learns differently. This is why your child should recieve personalised support from Tutero’s tutors in Melbourne. Our verified process combines interactive teaching tools, curriculum aligned content and Australia’s most qualified tutors.

Life-changing progress in only two terms

Who is Tutero for?
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Customised online Year 1 tutoring that helps Gold Coast students perform at a higher level

Our expert Year 1 Gold Coast tutors will help your child build confidence. From just 1 hour per week with Tutero's private tutoring Year 1 students have increased their understanding and found learning easier throughout their academic year.

As Gold Coast students go from primary to senior school, concepts can become harder each year. Tutero’s Gold Coast tutors provide some of the highest degree of tutoring within Gold Coast

Many Gold Coast tutoring companies will swap out their students tutors every single week with little notice. This causes unpredictability to the children across Burleigh Head, Wongawallan, Runaway Bay and all areas of Gold Coast. Because of this, our Gold Coast based maths tutors provide one-on-one online support from areas such as Surfers Paradise, Mermaid Beach and tutors all around Gold Coast. Each tutor goes through thorough training to meet the QLD curriculum. Our driven Software Engineers across Gold Coast have reinvented online maths tutoring unlike anyone within the Gold Coast EdTech space… Tutero's Diagnostic platform helps Gold Coast based parents gather insight into their child's performance from the first lesson. We have diagnosed hundreds of students from all areas of Gold Coast, eliminating learning gaps within a matter of minutes.

Our Gold Coast tutors pride one another for building deep and meaningful relationships beyond the subject. With our tutor acceptant rate of just 2%, our Gold Coast tutors are thoroughly vetted from the hundreds of applicants that apply from Ipswich, Richlands, Springfield and further to help ensure we onboard only intellectual and enthusiastic persons.

Not eager? You don't need to be because Tutero is one of Australia's fastest-growing Gold Coast online tutoring service that offer a place for Gold Coast students to thrive. We are so confident we will guarantee understanding of your child's gaps from the first lesson.

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Laying the Groundwork for Lifelong Learning in Year 1 🌱

The first year of school is a monumental step for children and their families. It marks the beginning of a lifelong educational journey, where the seeds of knowledge, curiosity, and critical thinking are sown. In Gold Coast, Tutero stands as a beacon of support for Year 1 students, offering specialised tutoring in English, Maths, and Science, ensuring a holistic approach to learning.

Crafting Confident Communicators in English 📚

The ability to communicate effectively is fundamental, and it begins with mastering the English language. Tutero's Year 1 English tutoring focuses on nurturing a love for reading, enhancing writing skills, and building solid oral communication abilities. Through engaging, interactive lessons, students develop the confidence to express their ideas clearly and creatively.

Making Maths Meaningful 🧮

Maths is everywhere, and understanding its principles from a young age sets the stage for everyday problem-solving and future academic success. Year 1 Maths tutoring with Tutero demystifies numbers, shapes, and patterns, making maths a fun and integral part of children's lives. Our approach encourages logical thinking and a positive attitude towards tackling mathematical challenges.

Discovering the Wonders of Science 🔬

Curiosity about the natural world is innate in children. Tutero's Year 1 Science tutoring taps into this curiosity, guiding students through the basics of scientific inquiry, from observing the environment to understanding how things work. This early introduction to science fosters a sense of wonder and a critical mindset towards exploring and understanding the world around them.

Seamless Progression to Higher Learning Years 📈

Building on the foundation laid in Year 1 is crucial for sustained academic growth. Tutero offers a continuum of learning with tutoring services that extend into Year 2, Year 3, Year 4, Year 5, and Year 6. This ensures a smooth transition through the primary years, equipping students with the skills and knowledge needed to excel at each stage of their education.

The Tutero Advantage: Online Tutoring Tailored for Year 1 Students 🌟

Tutero recognises the unique needs of Year 1 students in Gold Coast, offering online tutoring that combines the flexibility of digital learning with the effectiveness of personalised instruction. Our experienced tutors are passionate about making learning engaging and accessible, leveraging interactive tools and tailored activities that resonate with young learners.

Flexible Learning That Fits Your Lifestyle 🕒

With online tutoring, learning can happen anywhere – whether at home or on the go. This flexibility means that education can adapt to the busy lifestyles of Gold Coast families without compromising on quality or accessibility.

Kickstart Your Child's Learning Adventure with Tutero Today 🚀

Embarking on the educational journey with Tutero's Year 1 tutoring in Gold Coast opens up a world of opportunities for young learners. With expert tutoring in English, Maths, and Science, Tutero lays the groundwork for a lifetime of learning, curiosity, and success. Discover how Tutero can transform your child's learning experience and set them on the path to academic excellence and beyond

Explore several tutoring options in Gold Coast

Life-changing progress in only two terms

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Get paired with the perfect tutor
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